Postby trsforever » 08 Oct 2019 23:32
Hi Mike, if you have the correct high tensile bolts 3/8 UNF 40lb ft (60nm) should be ok. as for bleeding its really personal preference, I always start at the furthest wheel from the master cyl and the lowest nipple( air rises), have your calipers been cross drilled eg only one feed pipe, if they have the port nearest the caliper mounting bolt should have a bleed nipple as well and the other is the feed pipe/fluid inlet.
I would start on the outer centre, then inner centre then top outer and then nearest feed pipe same on the other side wheel leave it a while to settle and then a recheck preferably with some-one pumping up the pedal 3x pumps then holding the pressure until you open the nipple, the pedal will go down they keep the pedal down until you have the nipple closed and repeat until no air. A clear tube with the end covered by a little fluid in the bottom of bottle helps to stop air being sucked back and you can see if there is any air in the fluid.
Hope this makes sense.