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Water pump cover clearance

Posted: 19 Sep 2021 11:47
by tr7dan
Not sure what gasket thickness to go for as I can't get an even spacing on the water pump cover. The best I can get is 10-15 thou clearance at two bolt lugs and touching, ie no clearance, on the third. This is with the bolts finger tight plus a slight tweak to make them snug - no matter how I loosen and tighten the three bolts I can't get an even spacing ?


Re: Water pump cover clearance

Posted: 19 Sep 2021 16:27
by Rich K
Hi, it seems to me there must be something on one part of the circumference of either the pump cover or block surface I.e. remnant of old gasket etc. Or maybe damage or distortion of the alloy pump cover seating. Have you checked the flatness of the cover, which can be done on a sheet of glass?


Re: Water pump cover clearance

Posted: 19 Sep 2021 21:34
by tr7dan
Thanks Rich - no gasket material on the mating surface but I guess it musn't be flat or I would be able to get even spacing.

Not sure how you could check it on a piece of glass as the angled impeller housing area protrudes below the mating surface so you couldn't hold it flat on a flat surface.

Re: Water pump cover clearance

Posted: 19 Sep 2021 23:56
by Rich K
You are correct of course. It has been some time since I last changed a water pump and I had forgotten that the angled surface protrudes below the mating surface.

Are the bolt holes clear of any obstruction such that the bolts are able to be fully tightened down?

Re: Water pump cover clearance

Posted: 27 Sep 2021 16:36
by Howard722
You could root around in your kitchen cupboards and see if you have a small glass/pyrex bowl of convenient size.
Check edge is flat against worktop or glass if handy, place over projecting angled face and check pump mating surface!-does it rock for example.
I found my spare pump housing and thought I`d check out the above-turns out a bowl is a bit big and found a large dia. glass was better.