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Wheeler Dealers - Orange TR7 - On Discovery

Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:15
by busheytrader
There was a thread earlier this year about Wheeler Dealers having a wedge on their show......

Mike Brewer announces that WD is moving back to the UK and there’ll be making more friends with rust. Elvis will be entering the building and Ant will be leaving.


At around 6 minutes in to this YouTube link they discuss an orange TR7 that they’ve recently worked on and Ant didn’t like it :| IMHO he would have preferred a V8. I guess that means there’ll be an episode in the near future....

Re: Wheeler Dealers - Orange TR7

Posted: 23 Jan 2021 08:09
by busheytrader
1979 TR7 on Wheeler Dealers 9pm UK time Discovery Channel Monday 1st Feb. - according to my Virginmedia channel guide

“Disco era styling and Ant doesn’t like TR7’s” as per a recent YouTube Wheeler Dealer clip.

Re: Wheeler Dealers - Orange TR7

Posted: 02 Feb 2021 12:44
by busheytrader
Well, that was underwhelming.

Basically limited to rebuilding 2 x Zenith carbs for the strangled 86bhp spec engine, replacing the looms under the dash and bonnet and changing the rear dampers.

And the 2 presenters playing good cop and bad cop about the wedge. :(

The DHC wedge had front bumper droop, odd spec wheel trims and a chrome boot rack. Not my favourite options.

Re: Wheeler Dealers - Orange TR7 - On Discovery

Posted: 02 Feb 2021 19:39
by Beans
The way Ant handled the dashboard and wiring harnesses plus the rear dampers top mount says it all. I'd fire him for incompetence :mrgreen:

Re: Wheeler Dealers - Orange TR7 - On Discovery

Posted: 06 Feb 2021 09:40
by oliviertr7
well agree with you, but in the absence of a pro bean, we had two chickpeas :lol: